Thank You For Your Purchase

IMPORTANT:  If this is the first time you’ve purchased from the site, we’ve automatically setup your account.

You will receive two emails:

  1. A receipt from PayPal for your purchase
  2. An email with your login username and password so that you can access your course. It will look similar to this:

Depending on your email security settings,  you may not see these emails in your inbox at first. Please check your Junk/Spam folders. If the emails are in your junk folder, please move them to your inbox to ensure that future emails from us are received properly. If you copy and paste your password to login, check to make sure that there are no blank spaces before or after the password. 

Once you are logged into the website, you can change your password to something more familiar to you if you would like. On the My Account page click “edit your password and account details”, or from the My Courses page you can click “Edit profile” right below your name.

If you encounter any challenges please contact us at:

Once Again, Thank You For Your Purchase!!

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